Monday, March 19, 2007

Media Jihad: "Influencing the Views of the Weak-Minded American" has translated this blueprint posted on a jihadist website to "infiltrate popular American forums and to use them to distribute jihad films and spread disinformation about the war."

Raiding American Forums is Among the Most Important Means of Obtaining Victory in the Fierce Media War… and of Influencing the Views of the Weak-Minded American

There is no doubt, my brothers, that raiding American forums is among the most important means of obtaining victory in the fierce media war... and of influencing the views of the weak-minded American who pays his taxes so they will go to the infidel American army. This American is an idiot and does not [even] know where Iraq is... [It is therefore] mandatory for every electronic mujahid [to engage in this raiding].

It is better that you raid non-political forums such as music forums and trivia forums... which American people... favor... Define your target[ed forum]... and get to know it well... Post your contribution . . .
. . . .
Obviously, you have to register yourself using a purely American name...
. . . .
You should post your contribution . . . as an American. . . You should correspond with visitors to this forum, [bringing to their attention] the frustrating situation of their troops in Iraq... You should invent stories about American soldiers you have [allegedly] personally known (as classmates) . . . [Use any story] which will break their spirits, oh brave fighter for the sake of God.

. . . .
. . . Your concern should [only] be introducing topics which . . . will cause [them to feel] frustration and anger towards their government . . ., which will . . . render them hostile to Bush . . . and his Republican Party and make them feel they must vote ton bring the troops back from Iraq as soon as possible."

Do not . . . discuss issues pertaining to Arabs or Muslims at all, whether negatively or positively . . . because this could be a trap for you. . . In addition, do not ask people to circulate the material [you have posted] in other forums . . . as these types of requests will expose you. . . .

Read the whole story here. Actually, this sounds very similar to the blueprint the New York Times is following.

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